Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mostly Vegetable Lasagna

I like to make this the night before. I usually put it together while dinner for the current night is cooking. It also helps the flavors blend more, at least I think so.

Mostly Vegetable Lasagna

Makes 4 servings

1/2 large onion
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 cup portabello mushrooms chopped
2/3 cup yellow or red bell pepper strips
1 box frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1 tbsp butter
2/3 jar of low calorie marinara sauce
1 ounce prosciutto ham
5-6 no-boil lasagna noodles
1/2 container of low-fat ricotta cheese
1 ounce goat cheese
1/4 cup egg beaters
Italian spice mix
1/4 cup low fat shredded mozzarella

1. Saute vegetables in the butter until onions start to caramelize
2. Drain the spinach and squeeze as much of the water out as possible
3. Mix the ricotta, goat cheese and egg substitute in a bowl, add a bit of Italian spice mix
4. Add the garlic, salt and pepper to taste to the marinara sauce
5. In a small loaf pan, ladle enough marinara to cover the bottom of the pan
6. Place a lasagna noodle on top of the sauce
7. Spread a thin layer of the ricotta mixture on top of the noodle
8. sprinkle about 1/4 of the sauteed vegetables on
9. Add a thin layer of spinach
10. Ladle marinara over the layer
11. Repeat steps 6-10, 3 or 4 times, ending with a noodle on top. Layer marinara over the last noodle then top with the shredded mozzarella

Wrap the pan in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight.

When ready to bake, preheat oven to 375 degrees. Remove the plastic wrap and place aluminum foil over the pan, tenting it a bit so it does not stick to the cheese. Place the loaf pan on a middle rack and bake for 45 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Remove from oven and let sit 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

Nutrition (approximate based on MY ingredients, yours may vary!)

Calories: 286
Calories from Fat: 134
Total Fat: 14.9g
Saturated Fat: 8.3g
Trans Fat: 0.0g
Cholesterol: 47mg
Sodium: 512mg
Total Carbohydrates: 22.5g
Dietary Fiber: 3.5g
Sugars: 6.3g
Protein: 16.7g

Monday, May 25, 2009


I've wanted to go to Memphis for a long time and finally this weekend we went. We left about 3pm on Friday afternoon (its about a 4 hour drive) and stopped at Lamberts Cafe in Sikeston, MO for some dinner and oh was it good!

We made it to Memphis about 7:30 and checked into our hotel, which was right on the main street trolley line and just across the street from a cute little park

After settling in we decided to walk down to Beale street, which was aobut 7 blocks away. The weather was nice, not too hot and only a little humid.

Beale street was packed!

We walked around for a bit and had a couple drinks then decided to take the trolley back to the hotel. We stood at the stop for about 20 minutes(seeing the lights of the trolley at the next stop)before someone told us there had been a trolley accident, so we walked back to the hotel, being quite out of shape we were both tired and sweaty when we got there and went to bed.

Saturday we got up and had planned on having breakfast at the hotel before we left for Graceland, well the room the breakfast was in had too few tables and too little food, we got very little breakfast then headed to Graceland. It was sprinkling rain when we arrived but never did more than that.

We didn't have to wait too long before we were shuttled up to the mansion.

(oh, and someone proposed on the steps)

I enjoyed the tour and I think Matthew did as well.

We went back to the hotel for a bit, then headed to Sun Studio. We took the Madison trolley over there but got there 45 minutes before the tour started so decided to go get some lunch instead.

We went to Gus's (fried chicken) (Madison trolley back up to Main St., Main St. trolley to Linden) which was packed! we decided to get our food to go, but that still took 25 minutes at least, then we went back to the trolley stop, where the first trolley passed us by without stopping. We had to wait 15 minutes for the next one and were hit up by a few panhandlers while we waited. We finally made it back to the hotel and ate and then decided to rest for a bit before doing anything else.

I wanted to see the Peabody ducks march at 5pm so we left the hotel about 3:30 and took the riverfront trolley loop and got off at Union and walked down to the Peabody thinking because we were over half an hour early I'd get a good spot to watch. WRONG! This is as close as I got to the ducks.

The place was packed (see a trend starting to occur here?). We left and went over to Rendezvous for dinner, which believe it or not was NOT packed and we got seated right away and had a nice dinner.

A little bit later we decide we want dessert and a drink so we head out to the Cooky Canuck, guess what....PACKED! So we wander around a bit and finally stop in a place called the Red Rooster. We have a couple drinks then wander back to the hotel to regroup. We did some research online and found this place called the Cheececake Corner, not wanting to walk anymore we got the car and drove there. Wow, amazing cheesecake and brownies.
. As we were leaving the fireworks on the riverfront (for memphis in may) started.

It's only 10pm but we call it a night.

Sunday morning we once again tried to have breakfast at the hotel, no luck. We went back to Sun Studio for the tour about 10am. We had a moonpie and a cup of coffee before the tour started. That is a great tour, highly recommended.

On our way out of town we drove by the Lorraine Hotel where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed.

On the way home we stopped at Perkins in Blythsville, Arkansas, one of Matthew's favorite restaurants and had lunch.

Even though it was incredibly crowded and we didn't get to do everything I wanted to do it was fun, but we've learned our lessons about going places on holiday weekends!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Survived surgery. Hope to go home soon

I sent this from my blackberry.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


11.07.06 - 27/365: VOTE
Originally uploaded by d.rex
Friends, I am writing you this today in an attempt at education, because that is what I do and what I believe in. I am not trying to change your mind or make any decision for you, I simply want to try to make sure that you have all the tools possible to make an informed decision. My goal here is not to offend anyone or upset anyone, just to help inform. You are all my friends because you are intelligent, caring individuals who will do the right thing, given the chance.

In just a few short days you have the opportunity go to cast your vote for president of the united states. Over the past year, and past several months in particular, we have been bombarded with "information" from both sides of the debates. A lot of this information may have come from your friends via email, much like this one, that they received from their friends. The trouble is that a lot of the information received in such emails is misleading or downright false.

Before I get into specifics I want to say this, regardless of who you vote for, make sure your vote gets counted.

* know where your polling place is
* take proper identification
* know the polling place hours
* listen to and read all direction on whatever voting mechanism is used
* make sure that the confirmation on the electronic voting machines says the right thing before you confirm your vote
* don't be afraid to ask the election officials for help if you don't understand the process or the machine
* know what other issues are on your ballot besides the presidential election before you go to vote, many important propositions are on state ballots on Tuesday. Here are two sites for states I know I am sending this to, for others, just do a google search or check out your state's board of election website
o North Carolina
o Missouri
* be prepared to stand in line, bring a chair if standing is a problem, make sure you have the time off work if you need to,most states have laws requiring your employer to let you vote here are some of the laws for each state

Okay, on to other things. There are a lot of rumors going around about both candidates, some of which are hate filled and completely wrong, others are based in fact but have been twisted.

According to a 10/09 article on ScrippsNews "Ninety-four percent of adult Americans have heard at least one of the ridiculous and false rumors chasing John McCain and Barack Obama on the campaign trail, according to a Scripps poll.

Have you heard that John McCain was brainwashed while a prisoner of war in Vietnam? Or that he's become senile, or fathered a black baby?

And how about that Barack Obama secretly is a Muslim? Or he is the anti-Christ from the Book of Revelation? Or that he refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance?

About 19 of every 20 adult Americans have heard at least one of these six obviously false rumors about the major presidential candidates, according to a first-of-its kind national survey of 1,015 adults conducted by Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University."

Obama Rumors

McCain Rumors

I'll let you read both of those sites for yourself, and I really hope you will read BOTH, get both sides of the story.

If you have already voted, then thank you for reading anyway.

You are all free to harass me now for spamming you. And yes, I'll tell you who I'm voting for if you ask.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Homeless problems

Homeless problems
Originally uploaded by kmevans
I was recently in Portland, Oregon, staying downtown in the Hilton. Portland is a great city, very friendly. I had a couple of hours free and did some walking around, I was stunned by the sheer number of homeless people. It was quite chilly the day I was out walking, enough so that I stopped and bought a hat and gloves because I had only a sweatshirt on. I was ashamed of myself for doing this, because within a few blocks everything from children to the elderly were sleeping huddled in doorways, in the cold damp close the the river. The situation makes me sad on many levels, some of these people may have a choice about being on the street, others do not. It makes me sad that we as American's can sit around and let this happen. Sarah Palin or the RNC or whomever has spend $150,000 on CLOTHES in a few short months and there are children going to sleep hungry and cold on the streets of America right this very minute. This is not just a problem in Portland, it just happened to be the city I was in when my eyes were opened. I don't know what I can do about this problem, but I sure will be finding out. One thing is for sure, I will NOT be voting more of the same kind of people back in office. I want a president who was not raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, one who understands what its like no go without. I've been terribly irritated with the labels of "republican" and "democrat" lately, what they are supposed to stand for and what the candidates really stand for. Obama will raise your taxes, yeah if you make over $200k a year, or are a large corporation, damn straight, that's the way it should be. Take that money and put it into some "new deal" plans that's exactly what this country needs, not tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas. We need to look out for our own for a change.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

our fragile bodies

my body has always not quite worked the way it should. I am "double jointed" which really means that my connective tissues don't make things stay where they are supposed to stay. This has been an issue with a lot of joints in my body. I have significantly hurt my neck 3 times in my life. When I was around 13 or 14 I sprained my neck learning to roller skate (never did learn, later at age 20 broke my arm doing it). When I was 16 I dislocated my neck washing my car (long story in and of itself). Then when I was 18 I was in a car accident where I got side whiplash. All of these things later led to a herniated disc in my neck. C5/C6 for those of you who know anything about the body. I've lived with pain for years, and have done various things ranging from mild to quite extreme to help me live with that pain. I have decided, after some of my issues, including numbness and weakness in my hand, became worse, that its time for surgery. It's schedule for about 5 weeks from now and I'm am totally freaked out. My neck is hardly hurting at all lately, its kind of like when you schedule a haircut appointment and immediately your hair starts looking awesome. I will post more of my journey to this surgery and after as things occur. I'm going to be quite busing in the meantime, I am out of town 3 times within that 5 weeks.